Saturday 14 April 2012

Sharon Forrest


Sharon’s practice is concerned with the exploration of family history and memory working from archive photographs, film and personal possessions. Her aim is to produce a body of work which conveys meaning whilst remaining ambiguous and thought provoking. Memory may be individual or collective and by providing a visual symbolism through a variety of media she hopes to raise questions and provoke reaction in the viewer.
Sharon’s current work in response to “Encompass” focuses on the effects of trauma on the human psyche through experiences of members of the British Armed Forces. Memories, flashbacks, and re- living traumatic events often manifest into overwhelming feelings of being “closed-in” or “enveloped” leading to deep psychological problems often left untreated. Her intention is to draw the viewer into the work and reflect on these aspects and draw attention to the affects of post traumatic stress often hidden “behind closed doors”.